Monday, October 10, 2011

Paris Four~ Another Wonderful Trip

One would think that after 3 trips to Paris I'd be on auto-pilot and all the kinks would have been ironed out for trip # 4.  Admittedly, I was a bit lax with my usual pre-planning routine.  I have such a long list of places not seen on previous trips that I really didn't do much research.  My little itinerary guide wasn't as "complete" (detailed) as it's been in the past.
There were a few key forgotten items. Never leave home without the Michelin Green Guide and remember to pack all the appropriate adapters/converters.  Travelling without my green guide was a minor inconvenience; having to search out the right adapter proved to be a major task.  We spent 2 days 'futzing' with the adapter issue.  The people at FNAC were not very helpful (no one seemed to "parlez anglais") and it didn't help that my knowledge of French doesn't include any vocabulary related to technical or electronic devices; Monoprix had every adapter but the one we needed.  The problem was finally resolved in the basement of BHV (take Home Depot and put it in the basement of a department store);  I took my camera battery charger with me, went to the first salesperson, held it up and said "adapter".  He smiled and took me right to the needed item.

We learned a great new travelling lesson on this trip.  I wonder why I hadn't figured this one out before.  We were walking on Rue St. Honore and stopped at a wonderful fruit and vegetable market.  The strawberries were so red and perfect looking, it was hard to believe they were real....and were they sweet!  Across the street was a charcuterie.  I was looking in the window at the pastries and my husband said let's go in.  We came out with our dinner, 2 slices of roast pork, haricots verts(green beans) and sauteed potatoes; all for 12.80 euros.  This was one of those serendiptous finds.  It proved to be not only a money saver but also allowed us to eat when we wanted to and not have to go out after an exhausting day.  We became frequent customers at Le Grandgousier.

Our apartment was tolerable. I did not follow my own "rules" for finding the perfect apartment. We thought we were getting a one bedroom; what we found was a bed separated by a partial wall from the living area.  The bathroom, I knew would be small.  In fact, it was microscopic and the photos didn't show that you had to climb up and into a shower that you could barely turn around in.  But the washer and dryer were wonderful and so easy to figure out.  This apt. was only one street from the one we rented last year so I had "expectations" peace and quiet.  Our little apt. agency rule book stated to respect the residents and to keep noise down, especially after 10 pm.  The residents didn't seem to have that rule.  It was fine though.  The managers were friendly and came immediately when I couldn't figure out how to close the window.  The 3 large windows opened 2 ways either from the top or from the side...I managed to get one opened from the top and side at the same time~not good.  After it was fixed, we got a lesson in French window operation.

One thing that would really help the traveler who has to pack for a month is knowing what the weather is going to be~hot or cool.  In September you expect fall, I packed for fall and included a few hot weather clothes; we never used the sweaters and turtlenecks.  Woody was smart, he packed a pair of shorts (lesson learned from last September).
That's the sad part of the story.  The rest was just wonderful.  The "highlights" for me were:

  • The tour of the Normandy D-day Beaches
  • Seeing the stunning and outrageously beautiful Opera Garnier
  • Being able to tie my scarves as skillfully as a Parisienne
  • Discovering the charcuterie
  • Fontainebleau
  • Being able to find my way around without referring to a map at every intersection
  • Putting our "love lock" on the Pont des Arts
  • Prosecco and Profiteroles with chocolate (instead of vanilla) ice cream
  • The architecture, the parks and shop windows and just being awed by all the beauty and creativity that can be found in even the most unexpected places.
That's's time for "show and tell".  Allez a la ville de lumiere.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time!!!! Be seeing you, Carol
